With a dedication to responsible investing, we aim to implement ESG initiatives in all our projects. This includes limiting energy usage, water consumption and wastage and considering biodiversity, to name a few. In saying this, we believe increased profitability and long-term growth are direct bi products of sustainable investing. Cost reductions from reduced energy consumption is one method of doing this. We do this by integrating initial ESG due diligence into our investment strategy.
LimeTree (through WE Park) took the initiative to adopt guidelines from the Green Parking Council (“GPC”, which is an affiliate of the International Parking Institute and has been recognized by US Green Building Council, which is well-known for its concept of “LEED”, the most widely used third-party verification for green buildings), to devote considerable time, resources and efforts to make our car parks the first to be certified by GPC in China. WE Park/Huibo has installed electric charging vehicle bays in our car parks to encourage and support the usage of EVs. LED Lighting systems are also used for energy efficiency. To date we have installed almost 500 electric charging bays across our car parks. A new initiative is to begin air quality monitoring in our car parks.
LimeTree is also spearheading green developments, being the masterplanner of a 32ha Green Community development in Bali, Indonesia. We take our environmental considerations down to the minute details. For example, locally employed workers at our Belong Green Village in Bali built the entire road from recycled materials. All landscaping is installed using native species and existing trees are relocated where possible. All of the licenses obtained undergo an environmental impact assessment (AMDAL).